Friday, April 18, 2014

Strange spring

Beibei is teeming with life. . . flowers and leaves are bursting out everywhere. Even rundown alleys sport little gardens around the edges of refuse. And yet, the lanes are lined with leaves . . . as if it were autumn.
April 12th
This strange spring has nothing to do with the curious shifts in weather patterns occurring in so many parts of the world--this is perfectly normal for Beibei. But for me, it is strange and speaks to so many sights and feelings that are so oddly familiar and curiously different. Nothing is quite the way I usually think of it--and, yet, there it is, whatever "it" is. Spring. Old and new, loss and growth all mixed together.

Heightening this strange feeling of loss and growth all mixed together is the awareness that I have fewer than 100 days left. I've loved Beibei--and will bring some of "Beibei" home with me. Once home, will I find myself altered enough that the springs of my homeland will feel just a bit strange? Hard to say, maybe every new spring will feel a bit strange in one way or another, but no matter the season, no matter the strangeness, this I can say with certainty--I will be overjoyed to see my beloveds. Mama, daughter, dear friends. Sibs, sons, and tebie de pengyou.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I have to ask....what is tebie de pengyou? I wonder if you were able to see the Blood Moon from there last week, on Monday, I think? Wow! Less than 100 days! But who's counting, right? I know I am. And I can think of many others who are too. Be well and enjoy the spring, strange as it may be. It's been a little strange over here too...with more than the usual ups and downs of temperature and precipitation. XOX Jane
