Thursday, December 26, 2013

Elves that speak up

My big Christmas present is a stack of about 700 pages of student writing, most of which arrived the day before Christmas Eve. (Fellow writing teachers--don't worry, the hardest part is behind me. I've seen many drafts of these papers. You know what I mean.)

Still! When faced with such an onerous task, I usually find plenty of ways to procrastinate. What better diversion is there than housecleaning?! Or maybe hunting down ingredients to cook something from scratch to feed 30--well, maybe 90--people?

See, last year at this time I was visited by elves. Somehow those elves must have whispered in the ears of some of my current students--because last Tuesday one bright-eyed student spoke up, asking if maybe they could come to my place. They'd heard about some other dinners. So what should I say? They were all so eager, on the edge of their seats. They made clear that the 24th would be a perfect time to come to my apartment, the day of their last class. And so they came. And took a thousand and one pictures.

I'd made a huge pot of pasta with some homemade sauce--with lots of fresh tomatoes, onions, garlic, parsley, mushrooms--and some herbs from Provence sent as a gift. They loved it! That is, once they slipped in a half jar of hot pepper sauce to make it a real Chongqing dish.  A few students paraded around with bowls of it, feeding the rest of us bite by bite with chopsticks.

 Meanwhile, they made dumplings . . .

        And ate them . . .

I've never had Chinese students here who didn't do magic before leaving. Suddenly the dishes were all washed and the floors were mopped. Really. I can't tell you how grateful I am, especially since two other classes looked at me expectantly yesterday, asking with bright expressions when their turn would be. Saturday and next Monday, respectively.

I will get those papers graded, but it may take me a few hours longer than usual.

Wonderful as this Christmas Eve was, it was without Christopher, Ana, Ben, and Nick and other beloved friends and family. I send special greetings to you--and to all of you who peek at this blog now and then.  Now remember, everything in China is BIG, including these holiday good wishes straight from Beibei!


  1. You sound so calm! I'd be a wreck had I that many visitors to my tiny apartment...let alone trying to feed them all AND grade their papers....all in the same week! You are the ELF, my dear! I know you've had many years of experience cramming it all in somehow, but really, Marty! It's going to take a huge, collective effort on all of our parts back here to break you of these patterns and get you to slow down! If that's even possible. As always, I wish you well with all that you take on and somehow bring to completion. Thinking of you as 2014 approaches....can't wait to see you. Happy, happy New Year! And greetings to all your Chinese devotees! Love, Jane

  2. hahahah. It took me several minutes to notice you smack dab in the middle of the photo. The black hat made you blend right in! Amazing. Lots of bodies. BP
